
  • 2020-01-10











在2020年,我們將目光投向更進一步的擴展和改進,擴展不一定是增加更多的商店或更多的預約時段,而是提供更高水平的廣泛服務和對於現有的會員提供更適合寶貝們的療程。 2020年,對於每個參與E&T的人來說,將是個充滿期待和興奮的一年。每次的成長都伴隨著痛苦,每次的成長經驗都需要您們的大量支持和理解才能克服困難,並使我們能夠持續進步。



再次,我們謹代表E&T的每位員工,衷心地祝福我們所有的會員新年快樂,身體健康,萬事如意。 感謝您在過去一年中的所有支持和理解,在接下來的日子裡我們不會停止努力來證實您的選擇是對的。


再次祝您 新年快樂!


E&T管理團隊 敬上


A letter from the management team to members in 2020

  • 2020-01-10

Newsletter 2020


Happy 2020 to all our valued E&T members! As we look ahead and bid farewell to 2019, Chinese lunar new year is also just around the corner. On behalf of our entire E&T staff, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your patronage and wish all of our valued members, big and small, a healthy and prosperous year ahead.


So much has happened over the last year. We want to thank everyone for choosing us and also apologize for times that required extra understanding and patience if things didn’t quite live up to our standard or your expectations. Our staff worked extremely hard to ensure that our little members all had a happy and pleasant experience coming to E&T. We are still progressing and improving to attain our full potential and realize our goal of becoming a true one of a kind fully functional luxury spa for your beloved little ones.


We spent all of last year being just a grooming shop that basically offers the same services as traditional shops all around. While the services we offer might not be different, we worked on raising the level of attention and thoroughness to offer our members assurance and a peace of mind that it’s the most attentive and professional service you can find anywhere.


There are still many things we can learn and have to learn to be even better going forward. Mistakes and oversights that we take it upon ourselves to not repeat. All of this is made possible by our members’ trust and support in choosing us. We are thankful and grateful that your trust and support gives us all the motivation and responsibility to be perfect for your beloved little ones each and every time they come through our door.


We can’t claim perfection but we strive to be fully committed and devote our time and professionalism into every appointed time slots. No short cuts and compromises no matter the circumstances are what we preach to our staff and enforce without exception.


Recently it has come to our attention that availability and flexibility is hard to come by when making future appointment request. To that, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and lack of time slots available. Our hands are tied at the moment because we can’t create more time slots and we won’t compromise quality to create more time slots. All we can assure our members at this time is that we take all our appointment requests accordingly and seriously without any bias and honor our appointments equally. Our waitlist procedure is the same process as well.


To disappoint and offend our members is the last thing we want to do and the first thing we try to avoid. But truth always comes first and we can’t hide the facts. We aimed to offer a more private and higher quality of service for your beloved little ones which makes our time slots extremely limited even from the very beginning.


We understand the frustration and disappointment in our members calling to request an appointment and end up being unfulfilled. We also understand it’s more than just business and we are honored and privileged that you’ve shown enough trust to choose us and attempted to make an appointment but felt angered that trust and loyalty isn’t rewarded and even felt offended and disappointed instead. We understand and share the frustration. We can only apologize and hope you can understand this is an unintended circumstance.


Rest assured there is a plan in progress for future expansion but regrettably there is no imminent solution to the lack of available time slot right now. Our goal has never been just to grow a business by opening as many shops as we can. While it’s the ultimate goal for any business to expand as greatly as possible, we set out to seek and achieve a different level of environment and service for our beloved pampered little ones without compromise in attention and service. We have to set our pace of growth very slowly at the start because we are dealing with people providing service of love and attention to a precious life that can’t really communicate openly and is completely reliant on the people that’s entrusted to service him/her.


In the year of 2020, we set our sights on further expansion and improvement. Expansion not in turns of more shops or more appointment slots but expansion in terms of higher level of extensive services and more tailor focused oriented programs for our existing members that might need extra regimen and treatments.


2020 is going to be a year of anticipation and excitement for everyone who’s part of E&T. With every growth there comes growing pain. And with every growing pain it takes a tremendous amount of support and understanding from our members to outgrow the pain and allow us sustainable growth.





We are forever grateful for all the support and understanding along the way. We take it to heart to make it our responsibility for providing the most attentive care and best service anywhere to repaid our member’s trust and support.


In closing, we will keep our members informed whenever our future goal or vision is put in motion through our newsletter. Once again, on behalf of everyone at E&T, beyond gratitude, we want to wish all of our members a happy, healthy and a prosperous new year.


Thank you for all your support and understanding for the past year and we will never stop working hard to validate your support and understanding for the years to come.


Happy new year!


E&T management team





Frequently Asked Questions 常問的問題

  • 2019-01-26

Frequently Asked Questions   常問的問題


Q1.  What makes E&T a luxury pet spa and different from all other grooming shops?

A. E&T is a luxury spa for dogs because we conceptualized our store based on luxury spa for people.  We have strict membership policy to ensure that our beloved pet receives a different level of attention and service unlike any other common grooming shops.




Q2.  Are the troubles of adhering to a strict membership policy really worth it?

A. The answer to this question is strictly subjective to what you are looking for in a grooming shop.  If you are just curious or looking for new bath and grooming shop, E&T luxury spa may not work well for you because of our strict membership policy and higher price entry point.  But if you are serious about looking for a place long term that focuses on complete personal attention and can accommodate any changing need or condition of your dog, then E&T is the right place for you to become a member.  We will work hard to continue to improve and grow with your pet’s changing condition to take good care of our precious little customers.




Q3.  Why do we require membership before any service can be performed?

A. We have a strict set of rules and policies not found in other traditional grooming shops to carry out our concept to provide the most attentive and professional service for your beloved pet.  In order for us to provide a spa like experience for your beloved pet and perform our best, we want to make sure that our potential customers take the time to read, understand, and agree to our membership policy so we can all work together to provide the best experience and service for your beloved pet.


答:我們有一套嚴格的規則和政策,來貫徹我們的理念提供最周到及最專業的服務給您心愛的寵物,這些規則和政策是在其他傳統美容院都找不到的。為了讓我們為您心愛的寵物提供以人為概想     的spa服務,我們希望將來可能成為E&T的潛在會員可以花時間閱讀規章,理解並認同我們的會員政策,讓我們可以共同努力為您心愛的寵物提供最佳體驗和服務。


Q4.  Is NT 5000 requirement to start membership a membership fee and why is it required to become a member?

A. The NT 5000 is not a membership fee.  It is required to begin a membership because It is a deposit for first time member to our pet spa.  Unlike other pet grooming shops, our membership policy include penalty fee for no shows and late cancellations.  The deposit is taken as a show of faith and to make sure our members take all of our policies seriously and take the time to really understand and decide if E&T is the right place for your need.  Since it’s not a membership fee, it is used to guarantee a reserved appointment and can be used for the cost of any service.

After NT 5000 is used up for services being performed over time, there is no need to deposit any additional money.  We are sure by the time the deposit is used up, members will have a good idea if E&T is a desirable place for your beloved pet so no further membership fee or deposit is required.

Since NT 5000 is merely a deposit when starting a membership to guarantee your appointment, any unused portion of the deposit can be refunded anytime at our member’s request should they choose or decide E&T isn’t the right place for them and their beloved pets.






Q5.  Why is there no food allowed in the waiting room when waiting on a service during your appointment?

A. Our waiting room is meant to be a tranquil and productive place for members to be productive with their work or take a leisure break while they wait for the service.  We work hard to make sure our small space stays clean and fragrantly scented like a luxury spa.  Beverage is welcomed but food is prohibited to preserve the cleanliness and pleasant fragrance of a luxury spa.




Q6.  Why is E&T appointment only?

A. E&T is strictly an appointment only establishment for our enrolled members only because we don’t function as regular grooming shops.  We require appointment only so we can be exclusive to your beloved pet during the entirety of your appointed time.  We strive to provide as much privacy and attention as we can to our beloved little members so we don’t take any walk-in customers and only honor last minute reservation for an appointment if there is a time slot available.

Our services are appointment only to provide privacy and attention.  Like human luxury spa, we prepare ahead of time for our clients coming in and note any special conditions or requirements before hand.  That way our specialists are well prepared ahead of time because we know who is being serviced and take note of any special attention necessary prior to the appointment.

Lastly, our appointment only policy serves as a safe guard to the quality of work and time your beloved pet receives.  Having no overlapping appointment time in our spa,  we never overload our work so there is no issue with taking in too many clients at once to compromise the overall experience and quality of work.

Without the appointment only policy, we would accept walk in customers and that would lead to disruption of our work load and work flow.  With appointment only, all of our members receive the same quality of service and never have to worry if the work is sloppy due to too many pets at once to increase work load and interrupt work flow.







Q7.  Why is there a cancellation fee for a missed appointment or late cancellation?

A. As previously stated, we are an appointment only facility.  We provide a higher level of service because we lock in the time to specifically service your beloved pet and guarantee that there will be no other walk in clients.  We also make preparations ahead of time to make sure we do our best to serve your beloved pet at the specified appointment time.  This is the concept and execution of time “exclusivity” meaning we devote all our personnel and resources to the member that reserves the appointment time and no one else.

What our members are buying is the guarantee time to perform the service to serve them exclusively.  When there is a no show, a late cancellation, or late arrival to the point that services can not be performed because it will overlap into the time of next appointment for another member.  A cancellation fee will apply.

This is because members are buying and being held responsible for the time they reserve because its exclusive to the member who made that reservation.  We make our member’s appointed time exclusive to that specific member to provide the most attention and preparation.  Once there is a no show or for any reason the service can not be performed because of late cancellation or late arrival, that time is lost and our operation cost rises accordingly.  It’s why we have a policy for cancellation fee to hold each of our members responsible for the time they request and not pass on the cost to every member if there are too many or frequent no shows and late arrivals that would force us to increase the price for all members in the future to cover for all the lost appointment.






Q8.  Why are there no exception to the cancellation fee?

A. The short answer is to keep things simple and fair.  Once our members understand and accept that they are completely responsible for the time reserved because the appointment is set aside exclusively for their beloved pet and no one else.  Once that time is lost, it’s simply fair that the member who reserved that time is responsible to pay the cancellation fee for the time lost to keep our operation cost the same so it doesn’t pass along as price increase to even members that honored their appointments.

And there are no exception to cancellation fee because while there are circumstances beyond control such as family emergency and traffic; it’s not our responsibility to be the judge of each situation and it wouldn’t ever be fair if we were left with the power to be the judge of which circumstance is allowable and which still requires cancellation fee.

We trust these circumstances are more or less a one time incident and not a common pattern.  It’s not our intention to just take money and perform no service.  We don’t succeed or make money by just taking cancellation fee.  It’s the last thing we want to do.  The only way we truly succeed is to reward our members with a great service for their trust in choosing us.

But we have to enforce it without exception to make sure the policy is upheld and fair to all members that abide by the cancellation policy.  Reserved appointment time is “exclusive” to the member that made the reservation and we do our best to only serve that member during that time and no one else.  When there is a no show or late arrival beyond serviceable time, there is a cost associated with the lost of that appointment reserved exclusively to that member making the appointment.

It’s the ugly side of business to try to maintain our overhead cost.  So we have to keep it simple and fair by holding our members completely responsible for the time they reserve exclusively to serve them and we hold ourselves totally responsible to make sure we focus on nothing but the member’s beloved pet for that time to give our best service and most attention.








Q9.  Why is being on time for an appointment so critical?

A. As we explained previously about the “exclusive” time concept for our members.  In order to provide exclusive attention and care for your beloved pet, we’ve committed all our personnel to your pet for the time of your appointment.  Any other time outside of that appointment window is exclusive time to other member’s appointment.

That’s why we are super critical on the punctuality of time.  It’s not to offend or make our members feel less welcome outside their appointment time window.  We simply don’t have the space or extra manpower to accommodate and welcome our members outside of their time window.

We strive to serve all members equally and without exception and since E&T assures personalized attention and care for every beloved pet during the time of their appointment; any time that is outside the window of each member’s appointment time will complicate and compromise the attention and quality of service for the members that are before or after your own appointment time slot.

We have a small private intimate place with limited personnel so it’s critical that all our members understand and be considerate to honor the responsibility of the exclusive time concept to help us ensure all members get the best service and most attention during their own appointed time.



這就是為什麼我們嚴格要求預約準時或只能提早5-10到達的原因。這不是有意冒犯或讓我們的會員在預約之外的時間到達時感到不受歡迎,而是我們根本沒有足夠的空間或額外的人力來容納和歡迎在預約時間之外到達的會員。我們努力讓所有的會員享有一樣品質的服務而沒有特權,因為E&T在服務療程期間要確保每一位心愛的寵物都受到一對一的關注和照顧。任何不是在預約時間到來的會員,都會造成該預約時段前後的預約服務品質變得複雜及妥協,也會分散美容師對該療程的專注力。 我們是一個人員有限的半私密環境,所以希望所有會員都必須理解並尊重獨享時段的概念及責任,以幫助我們確保所有的寵物在他們指定的時間內獲得最好的服務和最多的關注。


Q10.   Why can’t we accommodate early or late arrival?

A.  As previously stated with the importance of being punctual and within the window of the appointment time, members arriving too early will only complicate and compromise the time that is exclusive to the member before your appointment.  And arriving too late will not only run into the exclusive time that is reserved for the member that has the appointment after your appointment, it won’t give us enough time to perform the service properly and attentively for your beloved pet. A rushed service is worse than no service and that’s why there is a cut off time to being late to prevent a rushed service or time running into the next member’s exclusive time for their appointment following your appointment.




Q11.   What do we recommend to our members to get the most out of their appointment and service?

A. Our most honest and hopefully helpful advice to our members is to not think of E&T as a traditional dog grooming shop but rather think of us in terms of a luxury human spa for dogs.  With that said, the acceptance and understanding of buying time and time “exclusivity” is most crucial.  Secondly, we strongly encourage that our members should try to set aside an extra 5 to 10 minutes of their time when dropping off their beloved littles ones off for service. The extra 5-10 minutes allows you to relax and have a drink of beverage while giving our specialist more time to have a chance to discuss and inquire if there is anything else that needs their attention and also for our member to have a chance to communicate further with our specialist if there are any further special conditions or requests.





This concludes the first edition of Q and A to our members.  If there are still questions left unanswered, please feel free to let us know and we will personally answer your question.  When we have compiled a new set of questions after this edition, we will publish the second edition of Q and A.

E&T is meant to be a place of luxury and retreat for your dog while providing them with the most personal attention tailored to your specific little ones.

Like a luxury spa for people, it is meant to be a tranquil place to offer high quality service when people choose a specific time to enjoy and relax.  That is why all our services are appointment only and time exclusive to just serve that specific member at that specific appointment time.  We would really advise every member to start thinking in terms of that concept to help us transform into a place that is most attentive to your beloved one and move forward to other services beyond just simply basic grooming and become a full functioning luxury spa for dogs.

With membership comes with privilege of more personalized attention.  We welcome all requests and special instructions to service your beloved one.  We will do our utmost to meet all your requests and needs within reason.  If at times you are disappointed with our service or for any reason our service didn’t meet your expectation, kindly let us know and we will continue to improve in earnest to meet your need and continue to try to correct or improve until we can live up to your expectation.

Every member’s beloved pet is different in condition and temperament.  It’s our hope that the time exclusive concept will offer each member a chance to tailor their reserved time to their exact liking and preference to best pamper their beloved pet.

Since the reserved appointed time is exclusive to the member, we strongly encourage open communication from our members.  The more our member can openly let us know exactly what they expect us to do or what we can do during that time to make your beloved ones feel the most special before the actual appointment, the more our team can prepare ahead of time and be ready to make each visit specially unique to only your beloved pet.

As always, we’d like to thank all our members for their understanding and continuing support.


Sincere gratitude,


E&T management
















Dec.2018 Newsletter to E&T members

  • 2019-01-19

Newsletter to E&T members


It is an honor to formally address our members for the first time on behalf of E&T management. It has been around a year since E&T has gone under a new management. In this newsletter, you will know in depth what E&T strives to provide and serve our valued members and what you can expect from being a member of E&T luxury pet spa.


Emily Chang founded E&T luxury pet spa in 2015 out of her love and passion for her own dogs. As with most service oriented businesses, it was born out of necessity and desire to want something more for her own beloved pets. Wherever she went for grooming, there seemed to be something missing. It wasn’t just about whether the service was good or bad, she wanted more than that for her special dogs.


What was missing is the time and space to care and pay careful attention to her dogs not only while they were being serviced but also to the time she picked them up after the service was completed. Even continued visits to the same groomer often resulted in her pet becoming just a routine and habit for the groomer as time went on. And instead of paying more attention to the changing conditions of her dogs, the details started to slip because it became routine and a habit for the groomer. Hence the plan to have a different kind of pet salon was put in motion.


The name E&T stands for Emily and Teddy. Teddy being her first and most beloved toy poodle. The name of the shop isn’t just derived from the name of the owner and the name of her first pet. It’s symbolic for how closely Emily holds Teddy to her heart. She has never looked or treated Teddy as just a dog. In her world, Teddy is more of a real son and a big part of her life than just a pet. The symbolism of E&T is about the bond of an owner to her dog and the value of such relationship.


It is from this symbolism that provided the core value of what E&T strives to uphold and achieve. We hold ourselves to a higher standard because we know how special and meaningful each beloved pet is to their owner like how Emily sees and treats Teddy.


It’s not all about business and profit with E&T. It’s about love and attention. Every dog that comes to E&T deserves the same attention and care as if they were someone else’s most precious sons and daughters. We have membership rules and policies that are strictly enforced without exception to prioritize our time and attention to the beloved pets that are entrusted to us. Our rules and policies are not found in any other grooming shops because we don’t have the same goal and agenda as any other grooming shops.


The desire and intent of having a place like E&T is to be able to provide a tranquil and professional place to bath and groom your beloved pet with attention to detail. It was evident that most if not all of the other dog grooming services out there were all about production and turning quick profit like car washing stations.


Much like conventional car washing stations that has one procedure for all cars, so do most grooming places. Sure, car washing stations make a car clean and shiny in the end. But cars are just machines and all they require is someone following the proper procedure. With dogs, it’s much different than to just have a professional going through habitual routine. The work is the same but the attention to detail is critical because every dog is different in current condition, temperament and in personality. Just being a professional isn’t good enough especially when all shops are eventually more focused in serving as many dogs as they can each day to generate profit.


All that is left is professionalism in the same routine like car washing stations because there isn’t time to pay personal attention to the dog being serviced. Eventually, everything is just a routine and no longer a personalized service tailored towards the dog’s own condition, temperament and personality.


In order to be truly different than the rest, we had to implement our own strict policy to ensure that all the time and attention is devoted to the pets that are entrusted to us by our members. The vision was to not follow the traditional grooming shops but to do something totally different in a way where we can transfer as much of tranquility and privacy of a luxury spa for people and somehow make it possible for your beloved pet to have close to the same experience as people being in a luxury spa.


To best achieve this, E&T has a small intimate space that is able to provide a semi private setting for your pet where there will never be more than 2 pets being serviced at one time. Because of this, E&T is able to provide a true one to one attention for your pet where there will always be one staff member looking after your beloved pet from the moment you drop off your pet to the moment your beloved pet leaves our shop.


In other words, aside from receiving a detailed professional service, your pet is never left unattended in a cage or play area and is catered to whatever they may need during that time such as water, potty break, or just to walk around and stretch their legs in our play area.


From the start, E&T has always been committed to provide a service that prides itself in providing your beloved pet a place of sanctuary where they have the time to relax and be pampered while being serviced. The change of management occurred a year ago because the first leadership carried over the same managing style of a traditional pet grooming shop. The only thing different was our new policy for a luxury pet spa. And after more than a year under that leadership, E&T was slowly regressing back to a traditional grooming shop and lost its way to separate itself from becoming a true luxury pet spa thus resulted the change in management team.


Because our service is derived from luxury spa for people rather than traditional pet grooming shops for dogs, we realize that the concept and operation of carrying over a human luxury spa isn’t going to work for all dog owners because we have to operate differently and have different policies and rules as other traditional grooming shops. That is why we require membership enrollment and agreement before we can perform any service to your beloved pet.


The importance of enrollment is to make sure that all our customers know and understand how we operate and what we need from our customers to be able to properly and effectively operate our shop as a spa more than just a grooming shop you can find on any other street.


As always, membership shouldn’t be a burden and should be a privilege. We recognized that while E&T works hard to slowly separate ourselves from a typical pet grooming shop, our members are left with the burden of following our policy without feeling much reward and seeing us as another pet grooming shop with more rules. With regards to that, we apologize and ask for your patience and support as we work hard to implement our system and culture to become a true luxury pet spa.


For the past year since our new management took over, all the work has been behind the scenes to educate our employees what separates E&T as a luxury pet spa to all the other grooming shops out there.


It has been a slow but a challenging and rewarding process for us as well. More than just hiring professionals to work in our shop, it was mostly about finding professionals that have passion and willingness to expand focus and responsibility which required time for a gradual transformation from a professional groomer to a professional luxury spa specialist.


We had to start over and groom our seasoned professionals to be more attentive and flexible to meet different unique conditions of the pet being serviced and requests from the pet owners. We also had to place a renewed emphasis in how well they take the time to do the best for each dog because all dogs are different individuals with different conditions and not just a routine to get done as fast as possible by going through their habitual routines for all dogs.


It has been a learning curve but we are proud to say that we are confident that all of our employees at E&T are now in tune to what makes us different than a traditional grooming shop and how to hold ourselves accountable to a higher standard of paying attention to detail.


We hope our progress will translate into a higher level of service that our valued

members can not only see but also feel. Most of all, whether our improvements can be seen or felt, we hope your beloved pet will be the first beneficiary of our improved cohesion and understanding of attention to detail from our staff at E&T.


As mentioned, we understand that it is our duty to make your membership a privilege and reward you for choosing and staying with us. We also know that strict enforcement of our policies and rules have been more of a burden than a privilege at this point.


For that, we have the utmost respect and appreciation for your patience, support, and understanding to keep us moving forward. Our promise to all our members is to reward your patience and support with unrelenting pursuit to continually raise the level of our service and separate us from just a grooming shop to a true luxury spa for your beloved pet.

A place that you can trust to provide your beloved pet with loving care while no details will be overlooked or skipped during the entire time your beloved pet is in our shop.


Following this newsletter, there will be a FAQ article to explain the intent of our policies and rules in greater detail. This will hopefully provide enough clarity for all our members to really understand what you can expect being a member of E&T and if E&T is the right place that can meet your expectation.


We want to thank all our members for taking the time to read this and the upcoming FAQ article. More importantly, much more appreciation goes out to all the members that have been tolerant, supportive, and understanding of our policies and rules.


Here at E&T, we believe that giving our beloved pet the best we can isn’t just a responsibility but an obligation. With your understanding and support, we hope to reward your long term membership to E&T not by bending or breaking our enforced policies and rules but with the privilege and trust of knowing no one is more committed to serve and treat your pet better than E&T.


Before closing, we’d also like to thank all of our employees for growing with us and having an open mind to embrace new concepts and continually expanding on their professionalism. Without their conscious effort to be better and pay more attention to individual details, E&T would be nothing


more than any other grooming shop with a new ideal. We’d like to thank all our staff for committing to our goal and accepting the responsibility that better quality starts and ends with passion and paying attention to the finer details.


The pursuit of perfection isn’t just about seeking an easier or cheaper way, it’s about finding ways to do more and be more each and everyday for every member that entrusts their beloved pets to us.


We know E&T luxury pet spa won’t be for everyone. We don’t focus on keeping the prices low because we only focus on the time and attention required to best serve your beloved pet. Our rules and policies are rigid and strict because we focus on what we need from our members to be able to perform our best for your beloved pets.


Time and money is the ultimate form of luxury. At E&T, we won’t ever be cheap or be the most convenient. What we hope to achieve is to provide all our members the peace of mind of knowing that your time and money is well spent to give your precious pet the most care and attention in a semi private luxury setting. Our luxury pet spa isn’t simply just for the people who can afford our services but mostly for people that will see beyond price and convenience and put the best interest of their precious pet first and foremost like Emily to her Teddy.


We hope that with each day forward, we will reward our members for supporting us with the work we perform on your beloved pet. In time, we hope to earn your trust and approval that we are a place where we take care of your beloved pets as if they are Emily’s precious own.



Sincere gratitude,


E&T management





  • 2019-01-19





Emily Chang在2015年創立了E&T豪華寵物spa,是基於她對自己的寵物充滿了愛與熱情。跟大多數以服務為取向的企業一樣,它源於一種必需性和渴望為自己心愛的寵物提供更好的一切。無論她去哪家寵物美容院,似乎都缺少了一些東西。這不僅僅只是服務的好壞,因為她所期待的是給予她心愛的寵物更多。




E&T這個名字是由Emily和Teddy所組成的,Teddy是她的第一隻也是最心愛的玩具貴賓犬。商店的名稱不僅來自經營者的名字和她第一隻寵物的名字,這是象徵著Teddy在Emily心中的重要地位,她從來沒有把Teddy視為或當作他只是一隻狗。在她的世界裡, Teddy更像是一個兒子,是她生命中一個重要的組成成分及不可缺少的陪伴者。E&T所象徵的意義便是基於所有的家長與狗狗的關係以及這種關係的價值。




在E&T不只是商業及利潤的考量,而是關於對寵物更深層的愛及關注。 每一隻來到E&T的寵物都應該獲得同樣的關注和照顧,就好像他們是所有會員最珍貴的兒女一樣。我們的會員規則和政策之所以嚴格執行,無一例外是因為我們要將所有的時間和注意力放在會員們委託給我們的心愛寵物上。我們的規則和政策在任何其他美容院都找不到,因為我們的目標和宗旨跟他們是截然不同的。






















































